AIHEC’s Subrecipient Resources includes program reporting templates and AIHEC required policies, documents, and training.  

Subrecipients are required to submit quarterly financial and narrative reports to AIHEC’s Grants Administrator and complete AIHEC-required training and policy review.   


AIHEC Subrecipients will be required to complete the SF425  quarterly and submit to AIHEC’s Grants Administrator, to meet federal and foundation funder reporting requirements.  

AIHEC Subrecipients will be required to complete a  quarterly Narrative Template and submit to AIHEC’s Grants Administrator, to meet federal funder and foundation reporting requirements.  

This template is only a guide as some Federal and Foundation funders require information not included in this template

Subrecipients receiving and/or applying for AIHEC subaward funding must complete a Budget Template for each program.  

In 2021, AIHEC put in place, as required by Federal Funders, the AIHEC FCOI Policy .  The Policy states that, by law, all Investigators applying for and working on award funded research must disclose, via AIHEC’s FCOI Disclosure Form, significant financial interests related to the Investigator’s institutional responsibilities. 

The Policy defines an Investigators as  “the project director or principal Investigator and any other person, regardless of title or position, who is responsible for the design, conduct, or reporting of award funded research or proposed for such funding, which may include, for example, collaborators and/or consultants”.   This policy also applies to Subrecipient program staff. 

As such, AIHEC requires all program staff to
1. Review AIHEC’s FCOI Policy
2. Complete the FCOI Disclosure form
3. Complete the FCOI Interactive Training and return ‘Certificate of Completion’  to AIHEC’s Grants Administrator. (see ‘Financial Conflict of Interest Interactive Training’ tab. 

Please reach out to AIHEC’s Grants Administrator with any questions. 

In addition to reviewing AIHEC’s FCOI policy, Subrecipient program staff are required to complete NIH’s Financial Conflict of Interest training.  Please follow the link below to complete the training.  Once the training is complete, a copy of the Certificate must be provided to AIHEC’s Grants Administrator.   

The training takes about 30-40 minutes to complete and is required every 4 years. 

Please note, only Internet Explorer, Safari or Firefox browsers will allow you to print the Certificate.  

NIH FCOI Interactive Training.  

Please reach out to AIHEC’s Grants Administrator with any questions. 

Subrecipient program staff must read AIHEC’s Code of Conduct Policy and sign/return the ‘Receipt of Notification’ to AIHEC’s Business Office.